Philosophical School 'The light of silence'

Philosophical School 'The Light of Silence'

(The Tiger's Spirit)

Psycheanalyst, Hypnosis expert

Processor of Traumatic Elements

Selective in accepting requests, I work almost exclusively for the Sacred Feminine.

Main requested Services; entrepreneurial-relational-karmic Hypnology

, but the School is offering a lot in more.

Cristiano Rose, psycheanalyst by mystic/shamanic derivation
expert in; hypnosis - dreams - vastu - spiritual medicine psychic surgery

, paranormal disturbs.

Hypnosis is the only tool to rebalance our spiritual being with the

,'material' that surrounds us.
In this current life we have to take into consideration
;The Present, where we are located, The Future where we are headed
, without neglecting The Past .. which in 90% of cases interferes with the other two.

So, Progressive hypnosis must be assisted with the one Refreshing and Reordering
, the Regressive hypnosis is accompanied with the Resignificative
, and for what concerns the present time, the famous 'here and now', we simply have to make the three components of our present being, harmoniously communicative.

If our Present is mired in routine, and the Future is never what we want, it's because somewhere in the Past, we have blocks, interference, or just a lot of disorder.

Making order, updating our parameters, is not only useful for living better; But it's Crucial to having a life worthy of that name .

Helping the deserve ones is an art so, no money will be asked for services, but only donations

Termination of abominations, initiations of harmonizing practices

Elimination of socio-material conflicts, realignment with the real nature of the Universe

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andrew cristiano rose

                                                                the Regent

Born as a mystical thinker and gentle walker between the worlds, after a pleasant childhood I received the Active Consciousness at the age of ten.

From that moment and in service of that, I devoted myself for twenty years to a very rigid growth that led me, through this vision and my personal experience of  pain, in different locations and human situations, experiencing both the very best and the worst of existence.

I refined my diplomacy in the art of war, which is useful in conflicts against low entities and magical currents not ours.

In past decades in the company of ancient texts, and through periods spent in places of initiation such as remote monasteries and indigenous tribes, I came to decipher the sacred and never mentioned aloud; Argument of Silence.

I am currently one of the last experts in dark evils present in the western world.

In my thirty-year profession of holistic cosmic disciplines, I created on December 25/2014 the organization My Spirit Can, an instrument with which I demonstrate the benefits of life starting with the inner balance.

I am also an extreme sportsman, a philosopher and a firm supporter of the superiority of the ancestral feminine.

I have collaborators spread all over the world, excellent in their specialities, and am a promoter of socio-sporting-cultural activities that aim to dismantle the illusory necessity that we have towards the superfluous influences that invade our lives .

The toward

of the School

The secret is to avoid the esternal interferences

Having ascertained that we are in this land with the task of living and to enjoy the experiences deriving from love, love being the fuel that allows us to evolve in growth leading to completeness, we can't help but travel clean.

To travel not metaphorically, but through the world physically, there isn't another way to render elastic the mind, thus training the body and expanding the spirit.

Those who are closed to this reality become fearful, obtuse and dangerous inasmuch as human nature fears what he does not know and kills what it fears.

It is therefore not possible to be happy and fulfilled in life if you accept to live with the indoctrination resulting from the experience of those around us, we can be seen to become poorly, dissatisfied, incomplete and sick.

It's fallacious to think as the new-age current or psychoanalysis does, to try to calm the mind, as it's impossible, by its nature the mind is a constant search for stimuli and comparisons. The secret therefore, according to how the naturalness of creation works, which always and then always uses the systems of least effort in everything to function, is to seek an order Not In, Not To, but From the Mind.

Our release from what curtails us, can't begin if not rooted in our psyche finally lightened; then the body will follow, and arrive to make the environment around us adequate to both stimulus and rest; only the time available will be the limit to the wonders of which we'll participate till the day, when full of life, we'll meet sister death .

Summing up

The reason for my apparently selective, but natural holistic approach to life that, like cristiano rose I promote through the My Spirit Can, and the wonderful colleagues that compose it, doesn't tend to discredit other forms of initiative.

Who wants to self-destruct because it feels it must atone something, and therefore it wants to experience the pain and the distance from the truth, let's make its path, because I can assure you, this too is not lost time.

Those who are happy, let's continues on that path, because being happy is a symptom of right direction.

In fact, when I leave my house, from my little unlimited world, and meet people who live their lives, I am not interested in what they are, I am interested in what they do, if the train driver says it is happy even if it's not, but it does its job well, I don't care about it, it's different if it thinks it's happy, but it makes me have a train accident because it's incompetent.

Instead, with regard to the people who are part of my personal life, the discourse is the opposite
, I don't care too much about what they do, but about what they are.

The incarnate illuminating Spirit accepts everyone, does not hate anyone and carefully chooses who to love, that's all.

To be truly happy, therefore not lying to yourself
, and wanting to implement that happiness with ever wider knowledge is a very logical and natural thing.

Most people who are looking for me, have already a spiritual direction, or at least a satisfying way of life
, and they only want to give order and more meaning to what they already have. Others, on the other hand, I would say 30%, as damaged or unhappy, they need instead attentions aimed at solving their problems before of all.

I come from very far away, and I am just passing through the places that, you can see me living in when I meet you. What I've received free through grace and experience, for free I'm gonna to give to the interested, I don't do it for have money in back, and I don't make weigh it, my slogan is; "Those who don't live to serve don't need to live".
And I don't mean serve as 'working', but to be useful above all for themself (the famous Holy Spirit), and enjoy the many opportunities  that life, when we are really living, get us  .. because never forget, 'hell is repetition'.

I serve the light, the life, and therefore God, which I recognize in Water Air Earth and Fire, generators of mother Earth and father Sky.

Every form of worship of the clelest beings, and the subtle creatures intermediate between our earthly plan and the higher dimensions, are only distraction if our role in our life is not clear.

Remember that there is no awareness without a healthy pain, people reach the limits of the absurd to avoid confronting their own inner nature.

Joy is not reached in life by worshiping angels and madonnas, but by bringing our darkness to consciousness, making it, a measurted part of us.
Those who look only outside themselves dream regrets and hope, those who look inside Will wake up !


Sessions 'live' of

Meditation - Hypnosis - Tai Chi/Qi Gong - Martial arts - Harmonic cousine

Assistance requests for

Physical/spiritual purification - Dark evils and infestations - Vastu environmental and relational

Available for

Conferences - Sports challenges dedicated to noble causes - Private dialogues


some things can be done by internet, others cannot

Ordinary Services

Money is not being asked for here
Here are always Donations starting from ..
With Exchangeable Value through ..
'The Units of YOUR currency'

By doing/saying this I can also be available to those who contact me from 'non-advanced' countries, and who would not bear such expenses in 'European currencies'

Acquaintance dialogues 70 GBP
(60 min.)

Private dialogues 80 GBP

(about esotericism, exotericism, the so called 'paranormal', geopolitics, or other   90 min.)

Hypnosis/Psycheanalisys sessions 90 GBP
(min. of 60 to max. of 90 min.
depending on criscostance and subject)

Info Sovereignty/Self-Determination 150 GBP
(90 min.)

Specific nutrition and fast periods explained 150 GBP
(90 min.)

Couples and/or kids therapy 150 GBP
(90 min.)

Consultations for corporate professionals or athletes 250 GBP
(speechs for renewing business motivations
behavioral consequencing previews
advice and forecasting
120 min.)

Tai Chi/Qi Gong Sessions 80 GBP

(70 min.)

Energy liberations and purifications
(confidential talks)

Conferences 'live' - blessings - farewell speeches

(confidential talks)

Ten days with cristiano at the Philosophical School in Great Britain

(all included: food - transport to and from the airport - single or double room [max 3 individuals at a time] live sessions - creation of documents - direct therapies - excursions to the sea and mountains, etc.)

2000 GBP

Two 'Spiritual' weeks at the cristiano hermitage in the

Italian peninsula
(all to be done 'Alone'

[but with the possible daily connection with cristiano])

250 GBP


Mentally fill out the 5 questions of the questionnaire

at right Here

and if you still want to mail for an appointment

Studio in; gps coordinates 53.19896 -2.532015

I'm not coming to teach them as a humans

I come to bring relief to their spirits

, the Silence

.   . will teach them to be live again

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